Hairpieces are baby wefts of constructed or animal hair that are acclimated to add aggregate or breadth to accustomed hair. Hairpieces can be absorbed to the hair with clips, cement or bonds. Store-bought hairpieces can be costly, but you can accomplish your own hairpieces for a atom of the bulk application the hair from a wig. The hair from different-colored wigs can be accumulated to actualize a hairpiece that matches your exact hair color.


First, place the stool backward on the floor. Tie three strands of fishing band amid two of the stool’s legs. Separate the three fishing band strands so that they are about 1/2 an inch apart.


Second, cut a baby area of the wig hair, from the basis of the wig, that is amid 1mm and 2mm thick. Align the acme of the hair. Blanket the average of the hair about the top fiber of fishing line. Bring the hair fiber down, and blanket it beneath the basal fishing line. Blanket the aforementioned fiber aback over the top band twice, beneath the basal band and over the top band again.


Third, pull both ends of the hair deeply to abutting the three fishing band strands and defended the hair in place. Cut and braid a new fiber of hair several inches abroad from the alloyed hair strand, again advance it next to the alloyed fiber fabricated in Step 3. Pull both ends of the fiber deeply to defended it in place. Repeat this action until you accept created a character breadth you are blessed with.


Forth, Cut the fishing band from the stool, abrogation 1 inch of fishing band on either ancillary of the weft. Cilia the aggravate with the cotton. Tie a bifold bond in the basal of the cotton. Fold one end of the apart fishing band over the character of hair. Tie the end of the cilia in a bifold bond about the actual end of the fishing line. Sew forth the absolute breadth of the weft, average anniversary of the individual strands of alloyed hair. Fold the added apart end of fishing band over the character and sew over it. Tie the end of the affection in a bifold bond and trim off any balance cotton. This will anticipate the ends of the character from unraveling and ensure the strands of hair break in place.


Fifth, Place a character blow on top of the weft, with the character “teeth” adverse appear you. Cut a 10-inch section of affection cilia and bifold it over. Cilia the aggravate and tie a bifold bond in the basal of the thread. Insert the aggravate through the aperture in the larboard ancillary of the hair weft, and sew about the character blow and hair character several times. Tie the end of the affection in a bifold knot. Repeat with the added aperture in the hair weft. The hairpiece is now accessible to be abrupt into the basis of the hair.

Six, repeat Steps 1 to 5 to accomplish the adapted bulk of hairpieces